Transportation :-
                              The distribution of materials like food and oxygen to all parts of the body as well  as the removal of body wastes is called transportation.
➞  It is performed by a set of organs known as transport system.
* Transportation of materials in plants
➞ Transportation of materials in plants occurs through  specialized conducting tissues which are
    (i) Xylem &
    (ii) Phloem                                                                 
➞ It is a conducting tissue in plants which conducts water and Minerals from root to the leaves.
➞ It shows unidirectional movement.
➞ It is also a conducting tissue which conducts food materials from leaves to the other part of the
➞ It shows multi directional movement.

            Transportation of materials and fluids in Human beings
➤ Human beings have a specialized system which transport materials and fluids known as  circulatory system.
➞ It consist of:-
                       (i) Circulatory medium - blood tissue fluid and lymph.
                       (ii) Blood vessels - arteries, veins and capillaries.
                       (iii) Pumping organ -  heart
➞ It is found in the heart and blood vessels like arteries veins and capillaries.
➞ It is a connective tissue.
➞ An average human being has about 5.5 litres of blood in his body.
➞ It carries oxygen,digested food,hormones and enzymes to all parts of the body.
➞ It is red in colour and salty in taste.
➞ It is made up of two components:-
                                                        (i)  Plasma -> 50  - 60 %
                                                       (ii) Cellular Elements -> 40 - 50 %
➞  It is a straw coloured aqua solution.
➞ It contains :-
                        (i) Water - 90 to 92%
                       (ii) Inorganic Salts - 1 to 2% &
                      (iii) Organic compounds - 7 to 8%
Note:- Inorganic Salts are Chlorides, Carbonates ,Bicarbonates, Sulphates, and
           Phosphates of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium etc.
                      Cellular elements
➤Three Types of cellular elements are found in human blood.
1. Red blood corpuscles or RBCs
2. White blood corpuscles or WBCs
3. Platelets
             Red Blood corpuscles( RBCs )
➞ It is also known as erythrocytes.                                          
➞  It is enucleated disc like structure and very small in size.
➞ It is produced in the red bone marrow of bones and the average lifespan is about 100 - 120 days.
➝ It is red in colour due to presence of a pigment that is known as haemoglobin.

Note:- The old and worn out RBCs are destroyed in the spleen and liver.
            ➥ Spleen - Blood bank of the body.

        White Blood Corpuscles ( WBCs )
It is also known as leukocytes and soldiers of the body.
➞ Cells are rounded to irregular shaped and capable of Amoeboid movement.
➞ It is colourless liquid due to lack of haemoglobin.        
➞ Its life span is about 13 - 20 days.
➞ It is of two types:-
                           1. Granulocytes (Contain granules in their cytoplasm )
                       ➝ It is also of three types .
                                                             !- Neutrophils
                                                            !!- Basophils
                                                          !!!- Eosinophils.
                         2. Agranulocytes ( lacking granules in their cytoplasm).
                        ➝ It is also of 2 types:-
                                                             ! - lymphocytes and
                                                            !! - Monocytes
➞ WBCs help in engulfing solid substances like bacteria and other microbes.
➞ It is responsible for immunity and helps in the formation of antibodies .
                      Blood Platelets
 They are colourless oval or round cells.              
➞ It plays an important role in blood clotting.                
➞ It is also enucleated.
➞ It releases a chemical thromboplastin which initiates the process of clotting of blood
    in a cut or wound.
                   Functions of Blood
➧ Some important functions of blood are :-
1.Transports nutrients, respiratory gases, waste products.
2. Transports body secretions and regulates body temperature.            
3. Defence against infection and maintenance of PH.
4. Helps in maintaining water balance and prevention of blood loss.

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