Respiration, Part-2, std-10

2.Anaerobic Respiration:-

 → The respiration which takes place without O2 is called anaerobic respiration.
 → It takes place in cytoplasm of the cell.
 ➤ Reaction :-
  (i) STEP -1 :-  By the process of glycolysis glucose forms pyruvate.
                    C6H12O6 ➞ CH3COCOOH 
(ii) STEP - 2 :-  Formation of ehanol as a end product ,in cytoplasm.
                  CH3COCOOH➞ 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP ⇈
OR, sometimes it forms Lactic acid.
                  C6H12O6➞ CH3COCOOH ➞ 2CH3CHOHCOOH + 2 ATP`
NOTE:-1 Anaerobic respiration in Yeast during fermentation.
   (i) CH3COCOOH ➞ 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 +2 ATP
 2. Anaerobic respiration occurs sometimes in human muscles during vigorous physical
    exercise. (word flow reaction )  
        Glucose ⟶ 2-Pyruvic acid ⟶ 2-Lactic acid + 2 ATP.n

                                Respiration in Plants

:- Respiration in plants occurs through their different parts. 
       (i) Through Roots - By root hairs    1.   
       (ii) Through Stem - By lenticels                      2.    
       (iii) Through Leaves - By stomata.


Respiration in Animals

:- Respiration or gaseous exchange in animals occurs through different parts of their body.
      (i) Unicellular Organisms ➝ Through cell wall by diffusion.
      (ii) Earthworms ⟶ Through their moist skin.
      (iii) Insects ⟶ Through spiracles and tracheae.
      (iv) Fish  ⟶ Through gills.



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