Science-Daily Practice Problems-9th


SCIENCE- Physics


Date: 01-11-2023/Wednesday

Answer the following Questions: 

1. What do you mean by gravitation?

2. What do you mean by gravity of earth?

3. What do you mean by universal law of gravitation?

4. Derive expression to find gravitational force between two celestial bodies?

5. Write differences between mass and weight?

Date: 01-11-2023/Wednesday

6. What do you mean by free fall?

7. Define acceleration due to gravity?

8. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 49 m/s. Calculate the maximum height to            which it rises  and the total time it takes to return to the surface of the earth

9. Calculate the force of gravitation due to a child of mass 25 kg on his fat mother of mass 75 kg if the distance between them is 2.5 m. 

10. What will be the weight of a person on earth if his mass is 98.346 kg ?   

Date: 02-11-2023/Thursday

11. Write all the equations for calculating velocity of freely falling body towards earth.

12. Calculate the mass of an object on earth whose weight on earth is 443.68 N .

13. What would be the weight of an object on earth whose mass is 698.43 kg?

14. When weightlessness can be felt or observed in an object?

15. Write all formulae which comes under gravitation topic.

Date: 07-11-2023/Tuesday

16. Derive expression to show weight of an object on earth is 1/6th  of the weight of object on moon.

17. What is pressure? Write its both S.I units.

18. What are the applications of pressure in our day to day life?

19. What do you mean by thrust?

20. What are the relation between force and area with pressure?  

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