Improvement In Food Resources

:- The process of cultivation of food crops in the field at a large scale is called agriculture.
⭐ Revolution in Food Production
1. Green revolution (High production of food grains)- M.Swaminathan.
2. White revolution (increased milk production) - Verghese Kurien
3. Blue revolution (Increased 🐟 fish production) - Hiralal Chaudhary & Dr. Arun Krishnan
4. Yellow revolution (Increased oil production) - Sam Pit Today
5. Golden revolution (increased honey production) - Nirpakh Tutej
6. Red revolution (Increased meat production) - Vishal Tiwari
⭐ Sustainable Agriculture
:- The adoption of various farming and production management techniques to maximize agricultural      yield is called Sustainable agriculture. 
:- It helps in 
        1. Conserving natural resources,
        2. Maintaining environmental balance,
        3.Coping with changing human needs.
:- It includes some agricultural practices such as mixed farming, crop rotation, intercropping and      integrated farming. 
⭐ Integrated agriculture
:- A combination of agriculture with other forms of culture such as pisciculture(🐟), aquaculture,apiculture(bee-keeping), sericulture (silk worm culture), poultry farming and animal husbandry, etc. 
🌟 Advantages of Sustainable agriculture
1. It protects and renews soil fertility and the natural resource base.
2. It optimizes the management and use of farm resources.
3. It reduces the use of non-renewable resources and purchased production inputs.
4. It provides an adequate and dependable form of income.
5. It promotes opportunity in family farming and farm communities.
🌚 Crops
:- A cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially is called crops.
Types of crops
:- There are mainly two types of crops:
1. Food Crops. 
2. Fodder Crops
*Food Crops
:- Those food crops which we eat to obtain nutrients are called food crops. 
1. Cereals- Wheat,rice, maize, millets, etc. 
 :- They provide carbohydrates. 
2. Pulses- Gram, black gram(urad), pea, green pea(moong), lentil (masoor), pigeon pea(arhar), etc.     :-They provide proteins. 
3. Oil seed- Soya bean, groundnut, sesame, mustard, castor, sunflower, linseed, etc. They provide           fats. 
4. Vegetables, fruits & Spices- They provide us vitamins and minerals. 
*Fodder Crops 
:- Those crops which are raised as a food for the livestock are called fodder crops. 
:- E.g. bareseem, oats or Sudan grass, etc. 
On the basis of Season Crops are divided into manly two parts:
1. Rabi Crops
2. Kharif Crops
*Rabi Crops
:- Those crops which are grown in rabi season are called rabi crops. 
E.g. Wheat, peas, gram, linseed, mustard, etc. 
[ Rabi season- from NOVEMBER to APRIL]
*Kharif crops
:- Those crops which are grown in kharif season are called kharif crops. 
E.g. Paddy, maize, millets, Cotton, green gram, black gram, etc. 
[ Kharif season- from JUNE to OCTOBER]

*The increase in food production has been achieved by improving agricultural practices. 
:- There are mainly broadly three stages of farming:
# The selection of seeds for planting,
# The nurturing of crop plants, and 
# The protection of the growing crops and harvested crops from loss. 
*Agricultural Tasks
:- The various tasks performed by a farmer to produce a good crop are called agricultural tasks. 
:- It requires systematic planning and proper management at all stages of crop production. 
#There are some mazor activities for improving crop yields:
1. Crop variety improvement 
2. Crop production management
3. Crop protection management
:- Variety improvement mean to develop varieties with desired characters such as higher yields, better qualities, resistance to disease and pest, etc. 
[ The science of of improvement of crop varieties is called plant breeding. ]
πŸ™‚Some commonly used plant breeding methods for improvement of crops are:
1. Hybridization
2. Gene manipulating ( Introduction of Gene into the crop). 
1️⃣ Hybridization
:- The process of crossing two genetically dissimilar plants to obtain a progeny with the desired traits is called hybridisation.
:- It involve following steps:.                     
πŸ”Ή Selection and isolation of plants. 
πŸ”Ή Emasculation
πŸ”Ή Bagging
πŸ”Ή Crossing
2. Introducing a Gene
:- In this technique age that would provide the desired characteristics is introduced in the plant. 
:- As a result genetically modified crops are produced. 
πŸ™‚Objectives of Variety Improvement
πŸ€High Yield
πŸ€Improved quality
πŸ€Resistance to undesirable biotic and abiotic
πŸ€Change in maturity duration
πŸ€Wider adaptability to new regions and 
    climatic conditions
πŸ€Desired agronomic characteristics
πŸ€Varieties for saline soil

πŸ₯‰Crop Production Management
  :-  It also indicates nutrient management. 
:- Those chemical elements which are required by plants for their growth are called plant nutrients. 
:- There are about 30 to 40 elements found in plants but only 16 of these are essential for better growth and development of plants.
:- All elements found in the plants are dried from air water and soil. 
πŸ”ΉTypes of plant nutrients
1. Macro nutrients
2. Micro nutrients
Macro nutrients
:- Those elements which are utilised by plants in relatively large quantities are called macronutrients.
E.g. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur. (all together 6 macro nutrients)
Micro nutrients
:- Those nutrients which are required by plants in small quantities are called micronutrients.
:- there are about 7 micronutrients. 
E.g. Iron, manganese, Boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc chloride. 
:- Deficiency of plant nutrients may affect the physiological processes such as reproduction comma growth and ability to fight against diseases in plants.
:- Those organic substances which are obtained from the decomposition of plant and animal wastes are called manures. 
πŸ”· Advantages
:- They restore the soil texture for better retention of water and aeration. 
:- They enrich the soil with the nutrients.
:- They keep up of the humus content of the soil.
:- They replenish small part of the plant nutrients utilised by the crops. 
Types of manure
1. FYM( farm yard manure) or Compost
2. Vermicompost
3. Green manure
:- Also known as farm yard manure. 
:- The rotted plant and animal wastes used as a manure for growing plant is called compost. 
:- Compost is a natural fertilizer. 
:- The process of converting plant and animal waste materials into manure by rotting is called composting. 
:- The method of making compost from kitchen wastes by using red worms is called                                Vermicomposting. 
:- The compost made by using red worms is called vermicompost. 
⭐ Green Manure
:- The menure which is prepared from young, fast growing green leguminous crop plants about 2             months old by ploughing them back into the soil is called green manure.
:- It increases the fertility of soil. 
:- The plants grown for the purpose of green manuring are, sunheap(crotolaria jauncea, Dhaincha(Sesbania aculeata), guar, barsem, etc. 
🌞 Limitations of Manures
πŸ”ΉManures are relatively bulky materials, therefore, it is difficult to store and transport them.
πŸ”Ή Manners can supply nutrients only to a limited extent. 
🌞 Fertilizers
:- The inorganic compound which are prepared in industries are called fertilizers.
:- It make the soil fertile. 
:- Chemical fertilizers are nutrient specific that provide N, P, K or potash as per requirement. 
:- It is soluble in water. 
⭐Application of fertilizers
πŸ”Ή The excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers makes water rich in nitrates, which makes the water           unfit for drinking.
πŸ”ΉThe continuous use of chemical fertilizers can cause drastic alterations in the soil chemistry and          affect the crop yield.
πŸ”Ή Fertilizers increase biological oxygen demand of water which leads to the destruction of aquatic           animals.
[ The process by which a body of water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients (such as phosphates) that stimulate the growth of aquatic plant life usually resulting in the depletion of dissolved oxygen is called Eutrophication. ]
Organic Farming
:- A farming system with no or minimal use of chemicals as fertilizers and with maximum use of organic manures is called organic farming. 
:- The process of supplying water to the land at regular intervals by means of canals and other artificial methods is called irrigation.
⭐Types of irrigation system
1. Wells
:- This system is based on the availability of groundwater.
2. Canal System
:- In this system the canals receive water from water reservoir or from rivers.
3. River-lift system
:- In this system water is directly drawn from the rivers for supplementing irrigation in the areas near rivers.
🌞Cropping Patterns
:- In order to get maximum benefit, crops can be grown in different ways:
1. Mixed Cropping
:- The growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called mixed cropping.
I. Soyabean + Pigeonpea
ii. Groundnut + Sunflower
iii. Maize + Uradbean
iv. Cotton + Mungbean
v. Wheat + Mustard
*Advantages of Mixed cropping
:- There is no risk of crop failure. 
:- It minimizes pest damage. 
:- It increases the yield. 
:- It improves soil fertility. 
:- It allows less input in terms of labour. 
2. Intercropping
:- The growing of two or more crops simultaneously in the same field in a definite row pattern is called intercropping.
*Advantages of intercropping
:- It makes optimum utilization of resources such as sunlight, land and water.
:- It helps to maintain soil fertility. 
:- It economises space and time of cultivation of two or more crops.
3. Crop Rotation
:-  The growing of different crops on the same piece of land in a pre-planned succession is known as crop rotation. 
:- In this cropping pattern the leguminous crops like pulses, peas, beans etc. are shown in between the seasons of cereal crops like wheat, maize, millet, etc. 
*Advantages of crop rotation
:- It improves soil fertility. 
:- It saves a lot of Nitrogen Fertilizers. 
:- It helps in weed and pest control. 
🌞Crop protection management
:- The unwanted plants which are grown alogwith the crops are called weeds. 
:- They compete with the plant nutrients. 
e.g. Amaranthus(chaulai), Xanthium, Partheniun( gazar ghas), Cyperus rotundus
 (motha), wild oat, chenopodium, etc
:-  Any organism, which damages or destroys crop plant is called a pest.
:- Insects and pests attack the plants in many ways: 
πŸ”ΉThey cut roots, stem and leaves. 
πŸ”ΉThey such the cell sap from various parts of the plant. 
πŸ”ΉThey bore into the stem and fruits and eat them from inside. 
❄️Control of Insect, pests and Weeds
1. Weedicides 
:- Chemicals which are used to control unwanted wild plants in the crop field are called weedicides.
E.g. 2, 4-D ( 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid ), Deltron, Atrazines & Butachor, etc. 
2. Insecticides
:- Chemicals which are used to kill insects are called insecticides. 
E.g. DDT, Heptachlor & Chlordane etc. 
3. Miticides
:- Chemicals used to kill mites are called miticides. 
E.g. Tetradifon, Dicofol, etc. 
4. Pesticides
:- Chemicals used to kill pests are called pesticides. 
E.g. Acephate, Metaldehyde, etc. 
5. Rodenticides
:- Chemicals used to kill rodents (rats) are called rodenticides. 
E.g. Neogen, D-Con, etc. 
🌟Preventive measures of crop protection
:- The chemicals sprayed on the crop plants or seeds and soil to kill the desired pests. 
:- We should try to avoid use of chemicals as they cause environmental pollution.
*Some measures of crop protection are as follows:
1. We should use resistant varieties of crops.
2. We should adopt clean cultivation.
3. The fields should be ploughed during summer seasons to destroy weeds and pests.
4. There should be rotation of crops and multiple cropping system.
🌞 Storage of Food Grains
:- The food grains such as cereals and legumes are preserved for several months and sometimes even for a number of years.
:- Therefore, it is necessary to keep them in safe storage. 
:- Safe storage also protects the food grains and other food materials from pests, rodents and other microorganisms.
πŸ”· Factors affecting Stored Food materials
:- There are mainly two factors which affect stored food materials:
1. Abiotic Factors
πŸ”Ή Inappropriate moisture content present in food grains and at the place of storage.
πŸ”Ή Presence of inappropriate temperature 
     at the place where food material is               stored.
πŸ”Ή Presence of humidity in the air.
πŸ”Ή And properties of material of container 
      in which food material is stored.
2. Biotic Factors
πŸ”Ή Insects coma microorganisms ( fungi, bacteria) and mites.
πŸ”ΉRodents, birds and other animals. 
*Methods of Food grain Storage
:- There are two different methods of food storage:
i. Dry storage
ii. Cold storage
i. Dry storage
:- The storage of food materials at room temperature is called dry storage.
ii. Cold storage
:- The storage of food materials at low temperature is called cold storage.
🌞Preventive measures before food grain Storage
:- Following preventive measures must be taken before storage of food grains for future use:
πŸ”Ή Cleaning of the produce (grains) before storage.
πŸ”Ή Drying of the grains. 
πŸ”Ή Maintenance of hygiene in storage houses.
πŸ”Ή Fumigation:- The use of fumigants to kill pests is called fumigation. 
    Fumigants:- Chemicals which can exist in gaseous state in sufficient concentration which can kill        pests are called fumigants. 
πŸ•³️Animal Husbandry
:- The branch of agriculture related with the scientific management of animal livestock is called animal husbandry. 
:- It includes breeding, feeding and disease control of domestic animals. 
Elements of animal husbandry :- The various practices which are carried out for systematic rearing of animals for food, work for other purposes are called elements of animal husbandry. 
:- It includes:
     πŸ”ΉProper feeding of animals.
     πŸ”Ή Proper centre for animals.
     πŸ”Ή Proper care of animals against                    disease.
     πŸ”Ή Proper breeding of animals.
⭐Importance of animal husbandry
πŸ”ΉTo increase milk production
πŸ”Ή To increase egg production
πŸ”Ή To increase milk production
πŸ”Ή To increase fish production
πŸ”ΉTo properly utilise animal waste for 
     economic purposes
Nutritional Value of Animal food
🌟Cattle Farming
:- We do cattle husbandry for two purposes:
πŸ”ΉFor getting milk as food &
πŸ”ΉFor drought labour for agricultural tasks such as tillage, irrigation & Carting. 
Types of Cattle
1.Milk yielding animals
2. Draught animals( used for farm labour)
⭐Milk-yielding animals
:- Also known as milch animals. 
E.g. Cow- Bos indicus, Buffalo- Bos bubalis.
πŸ”ΉIndegeneous or Local breeds of cattle
:-Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi & Tharparkar etc.
:- Mehsana, Jaffarabadi & Surti etc. 
πŸ”·Exotic breeds of Cattle
:- Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, etc. 
πŸ”· Improved breed of Cattle
:- Frieswal, Karan-Swiss, Karan-Fries, Jersey, Holstein-Friesian, etc. 
Characteristics of a good animal shelter
πŸ”Ή It should be situated at an ideal place with good surroundings.
πŸ”Ή It should protect the animal from heat,
     cold, rain and extreme weather.
πŸ”Ή It should be clean, dry and well ventilated, etc. 
🌟Fish Production
:- Fish is a valuable and cheap source of food rich in animal protein. 
:- Fish proteins are easily digestible. 
:- Fish is useful for us in many ways;
πŸ”ΉMedicinal Use: Fish liver oil (Cod liver oil) is an important source of vitamin A and D. 
πŸ”Ή Industrial Use: Body oil and edible oil. 
πŸ”Ή Agriculture Use: Used as organic manure in the field. 
πŸ”Ή Adhesive: Skins bones of fishe are used to make high quality glues and adhesive. 
:- Fish production includes:
Fin fisheries [ Capturing, Management and exploitation of cartilagenous and bony fishes] &
Shell fisheries [ Capturing, management and exploitation of crabs, prawn and molluscs]. 
:- There are two ways of procuring fish:
1. From natural resources, called capture fishing. 
2. By fish farming, called culture fishery.
fisheries are of following three types:
 1. Marine fisheries
:- It includes capturing fishes of oceans and seas. 
E.g. Mullet, Bhetki, Shellfish(Prawns, mussels). 
2. Freshwater fisheries
:- It includes capturing and doing culture of fishes in freshwater system such as lakes, ponds, paddy fields, rivers, etc. 
E.g. Rohu, Carla, Mystus, Mrigal, Grass and Silver carp, etc. 
3. Brackish water fisheries
:- Brakish water means slightly salty water. 
:- It is also known as inland fisheries. 
:- It includes fishing activities in brackish water such as lagoons, estuaries and mangrove swamps, etc. 
E.g. Pearl, spot, mullet, oysters, seaweed, etc. 
composite fish culture
:- It includes rearing of several fishes together in a single fish pond. 
🌟 Poultry Farming
:- The rearing and keeping of poultry birds such as fowl for eggs and meat is called poultry farming.
:- The egg laying poultry birds are called hen or egg layer. 
:- And the poultry birds which is groomed for obtaining meat is called chicken or broiler. 
πŸ₯ΊIndigenous (Desi) breeds of poultry birds
:- Aseel, Basara, Chittagong, Ghagus, Brahama, Cochin, etc. 
πŸ₯Ί Exotic breeds
:- White leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Black minorea, Playmouth, Light success, etc. 
πŸ˜‰Improved or Upgraded breed
:- B-77, ILS-82, HH-260, etc. 
Disease Control of Poultry
:- The poultry birds suffer from number of diseases and these diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and also from nutritional deficiencies.
:- These diseases can be controlled by taking preventive measures like proper cleaning, sanitation, spraying of
disinfectants at regular intervals, proper feed and vaccination.
:- The practice of rearing and taking care of honey bees on a large scale to obtain Honey from them is called beekeeping.
:- It is also known as apiculture.
Advantages of Bee-keeping
*It provides honey, which is a nutritive food and has many other uses. 
*It provides wax which is used in various medicinal preparations.
πŸ˜‰Varieties of Honey bee
Indegeneous or Desi breed
πŸ”ΉApis cerana indica- Commonly Known as the Indian bee. 
πŸ”ΉApis dorsata - Commonly Known as the        rock bee. 
πŸ”ΉApis florea- Commonly Known as the little bee. 
Exotic breed reared in India
:- Apis mellifera (the Italian bee )
:- This variety of honey bee can be easily domesticated and is commonly used for commercial Honey production.
:- It has high capacity of honey collections.
:- It also a stings lesser than other varieties. 
:- It stays in a beehive for a long period and breeds very well.
πŸ˜‹ Quality and taste of honey
:- The quality value of honey depends upon pasturage or flowers available. The pasturage aur flowers available to the honey bees for nectar and pollen collection determine the quality of honey. 
:- The taste of honey depends upon the quantity of pasturage and kind of flower available. 

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