Why do we fall ILL, std - 9
:- The state of complete physical, mental and social well being is called health.
Significances of Health
:- Health gives positive outlook to the person.
:- It also help person to cope with the mental and social pressure without much difficulty.
Conditions for Good health
-> The conditions essential for Good health are as follows π
:- Steps to ensure sanitation, i.e. , clean surroundings by providing good sewage and rain water disposal system & proper garbage disposals.
:- Availability of clean & pure drinking water.
:- Availability of adequate, nutritious food &
:- Social equality and harmony.
Personal and Community Issues for Health.
:- There are some issues which decide health of a person.
1. Immediate & Physical Environment
2. Public cleanliness
3. Good economic conditions and Jobs
4. Social equality & harmony.
:- An impairment of the normal state of living organism that disturb or modifies the performance of the vital functions is called disease.
:- Any physical or functional change from the normal state that causes discomfort the health of a person is called disease.
Sources of Disease
:- Health is affected by various factors or sources & they are of following types:
1. Intrinsic Factors &
2. Extrinsic Factors
Intrinsic Factors
:-The disease causing factors which exist within the human body are called intrinsic factors/sources.
:- There are some intrinsic Factors:
a. Malfunctioning of various body parts such as heart, Kidney, liver, etc.
b. Genetic disorder, e.g., Sickle cell anaemia.
c. Hormonal imbalances, e.g., Addison's disease.
d. Malfunctioning of Immume system of body, e.g. , Allergy.
:- The disease caused by intrinsic sources are called Organic or Metabolic diseases.
E.g. - Heart attack, Kidney failure, Osteoporosis, Myopia, Cataract, Arthritis, Cancer, etc.
Extrinsic Factors
:- The disease causing factors which enter the human body from outside are called extrinsic factors.
:- There are some extrinsic factors-
a. Unbalanced diet
b. Disease causing microorganisms such as Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi, Viruses, worms & helminthes, etc.
c. Environmental pollutants
d. Tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs.
E.g. - Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, Obesity, Night blindness, Scurvy, etc.
Types of Diseases
:- The human diseases are broadly grouped into following four categories: π
1. Congenital Diseases
:- The diseases which are present since birth are called congenital diseases.
:- They are caused due to genetic abnormality or malfunctioning of any organ or organ system.
:- These diseases may be inherited or may be passed on to the children.
:- These diseases are not easily curable.
E.g. - Down syndrome, Cleft lips, Cerebral palsy, etc.
2. Acquired Diseases
:- The diseases which develop after birth are called acquired diseases.
:- These diseases can be cure.
Types of acquired diseases
:- a. Communicable or Infectious diseases
b. Non-communicable or non - infectious diseases.
a. Communicable Diseases
:- It is also known as infectious diseases.
:- The diseases which spread from one person ( unhealthy ) to another ( healthy person ) are called communicable diseases.
:- They are caused by some biological agents or Pathogens such as Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminthes or worms.
E.g. Common cold, Pneumonia, Cholera, AIDS, etc.
Means of Spread of Infectious Diseases
:- Infectious diseases spread by various biological agents.
1. Infection Agents
:- Organisms that cause diseases in humans are called infection agents.
E.g. Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoan, Fungi and Helminthes, etc.
:- Diseases caused by these agents are as follows π
2. Means of Spread
:- Infectious diseases spread by various means such as Water, Air and Sexually contact, etc.
:- There are some type of diseases which are spread by theseπ means.
*Indirect transmission
i. Air - borne diseases
:- The diseases which spread through air are called air borne diseases.
E.g. Common cold, Pneumonia, Influenza and Tuberculosis, etc.
ii. Water - borne diseases
:- The diseases which spread through water are called water-borne diseases.
E.g. Cholera, Typhoid, Diarrhea, etc.
iii. Sexually-transmitted diseases
:- It is also known as STDs.
:- The diseases which transmitted by sexual contact are called STDs.
E.g. AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, etc.
iv. Formite borne diseases
:- The diseases which are caused by articles such as door handle, taps, gaements, currency, utensils, etc coming in contact with patients are known as formite borne diseases.
:-E.g. Conjunctivitis, Meningitis, Hand-Mouth-Foot disease, etc.
v. Vector - borne diseases
:- The diseases which are caused by vectors such as mosquito & fleas are called vectors borne diseases.
E.g. Malaria, Filaria
b. Non - Communicable or Non - Infectious Diseases
:- The diseases which do not spread from an infected person to a healthy person are called non communicable diseases.
E.g. Diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases, cancer, etc.
Types of non communicable diseases
1. Degenerative diseases
:- Diseases which are caused due to malfunctioning of the important body organs ( kidneys, bone ) are called degenerative diseases.
E.g. Osteoporosis, Kidney failure, Myopia,etc.
2. Deficiency diseases
:- The diseases which are caused by the deficiency of nutrients in our body are called deficiency diseases.
E.g. Marasmus, Kwashiorkor, Anaemia, Goitre, Beriberi, Pellagra, etc.
3. Allergies
:- The diseases which are caused due to the hypersensitivity of the body to foreign substances like pollen grains, dust, silk,nylon, fish, certain drugs, etc. are called allergies.
:- The substances due to which allergy is caused are called allergens.
E.g. Asthma, Bronchitis, Skin allergy, etc.
a. Acute diseases
:- The diseases which last for very short periods of time are called acute diseases.
E.g. Common cold, Dysentery, etc.
b. Chronic diseases
:- The diseases that last for a long time, even as much as a lifetime, are called chronic diseases.
E.g. Cancer, Elephantiasis, etc.
*Direct transmission
:- Diseases transfer by direct transmission in many ways like:
1. Contact with infected person (e.g. AIDS ).
2. Contact with soil (e.g. Tetanus ).
3. Animal bites ( e.g. Rabies ).
4. Transplacental (e.g. AIDS, German measles, Syphilis ) etc.
:- The evidences which point to the presence of diseases are called symptoms.
:- It indicates the presence of diseases.
:- The evidences that provide information about the presence of particular disease are called signs.
E.g. Cough, Fever, Clubbing, Redness of skin etc.
* Causes of diseases
:- There are many levels of causes of a disease, such as:
1. Level One
i. Infection by microorganisms
:- Some diseases are caused due to infection by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or protozoa, etc.
E.g. Loose motion, Cholera, etc.
2. Level Two
i.Uncleaned environment
:- It includes polluted air, unclean drinking water, etc.
ii. Deficiency of nutrients in diet
iii. Genetic Factors
3. Level Three
:- These are such causes which are caused due to poverty or lack of public services.
*Principal of Treatment
:- There are two methods of treatment of diseases-
a. By reducing the effect of the diseases
:- Effect of diseases can be reduced by taking medicines, reduce pain or loose motion, Bed rest is also advised to conserve the energy.
b. By killing the cause of the disease
:- Microbes can be killed by taking medicines which affect the biochemical processes of a particular group of microbes such as viruse, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.
[ Note- Making anti-viral medicines is more difficult than making antibacterial medicines, this is because viruses have very few biochemical mechanism of their own. ]
Principle of Prevention
:- There are three limitations to deal with infectious diseases,
⭐ If someone falls sick, his body functions are damaged which may not recover completely.
⭐ Treatment will take time, which will keep a person bedridden for sometime even if he or she gets proper treatment.
⭐ The person suffering from disease can serve as a source of infection and spread disease to others.
π Prevention of a disease is better than
:- There are two ways of prevention of a disease-
a. General way of prevention &
b. Specific way of prevention
a. General way of prevention of diseases
* Preventing exposure to infectious microbes
:- To avoid exposure to air-born microbes, adopt living conditions that are not overcrowded.
:- To prevent exposure to water borne microbes coma safe drinking water should be provided.
:- To avoid vector Borne infections we can provide clean environment as it would not allow mosquitoes breeding.
⭐ By providing proper and sufficient food we prevent from diseases.
b. Specific way of prevention of diseases
:- There are some specific way to prevent from diseases.
π Immune System
:- An organ system in humans which control the production and maturation of certain defense cells ( lymphocytes ) is called immune system.
:- It provides ability to our body to fight against pathogens.
⭐ Immunity
:- The power/ability of our body to fight against pathogens(bacteria, viruses, Protozoan, etc) is called Immunity.
Types of Immunity
:- There are three types of Immunity in humans.
1. Innate Immunity ( present since birth)
2. Adaptive/Active Immunity ( Adopted from outside through vaccination)
3. Passive Immunity ( Borrowed from outside & lasts for short time. E.g. Mother's milk to the baby).
Immune Response
:- An Immume response is the way in which human body responds to invasion by a specific pathogen or antigen.
:- A process by which body's cells or tissue response to the harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells or irritants, etc is called inflammation.
:- A process by which body's cells or tissue response to the harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells or irritants, etc is called inflammation.
1. Cell-mediated Immunity
:- It involves T-lymphocytes and Macrophages ( they are phagocytic, i.e they engulf & digest all types of foreign cells and viruses ).
⭐ Lymphocytes
:- The white blood cells which recognise and react with antigens are called lymphocytes.
:- They are of two types-
i. T- lymphocytes
ii. B- lymphocytes
i. T- Lymphocytes
:- They develop in thymus gland.
:- They play a central role in immune response.
:- It is of 4 types,
i. Cytotoxic T- cells or Killer cells
ii. Helper T- cells
iii. Memory T- cells
iv. Suppressor T- cells
2. Antibody- mediated Immunity
:- It involves the production of B- lymphocytes which are activated by antigens.
* B- lymphocytes are of three types
i. Plasma B- cells ( secret antibodies into the blood circulation).
ii. Memory B- cells ( Do not produce antibodies, but become programmed to remember a specific antigens and respond very rapidly to any subsequent infection).
iii. Dividing B- cells ( produce more B- lymphocytes cells).
:- The process whereby a person is made immune to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of vaccine is called immunization.
π Vaccination
:- A treatment which makes the body stronger against a particular disease/infection is called vaccination.
:- This term was coined by Edward Jenner ( 1749-1823).
π Vaccine
:- A biological preparation that provides active acquired Immunity to a particular disease is called Vaccine.
( Pathogens)
1. Malaria
:- This term was proposed by Macculoch(1827).
:- Malarial parasite discovered by - C.L.A. Laveran( 1880) & received Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1907.
:- Sir Ronald Ross ( 1897) - confirmed that malaria is caused by Plasmodium and mosquito is the vector. He received Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1902.
:- It can be fatal disease for humans.
:- It is a vector-borne disease.
:- Causative agent - Plasmodium vivex
:- Spread through - the female Anopheles
:- The program launched to eradicate malaria was- NMEP I.e National Malaria Eridication Program.
:- It includes- Headache, nausea, muscular pain, high fever, faster respiration, feeling extreme cold, etc.
:- To prevent ourselves from malaria we must have to follow some methods;
1. Wire-gauge should be used on doors and windows of houses to prevent entry of mosquitoes.
2. Mosquito repellents like odomos should be used to prevent mosquito bite.
3. Sprinkling of kerosene oil on large sized
standing water bodies.
4. The breeding grounds(dirty places, standing water) of mosquitoes should be destroyed.
:- This disease is controlled by a Medicine i.e Quinine ( Obtained from the bark of Cinchona tree.
[ Note - scientist are trying hard to develop an antimalarial vaccine.]
2. Influenza
:- It is also known as flu.
:- It is a viral disease( air-borne).
:- Causative agent - Myxovirus influenza.
:- Spread mainly from person to person via sneezing, caughing or talking.
:- Sudden onset of chills.
:- Discharge from the nose.
:- Sneezing, fever(lasts for 3 days in adults), headache, muscular pains, coughing, inflammation of resp:-iratory mucosa & general weakness.
:- We must try to keep away from flu patients.
:- Antiviral drugs are used to cure influenza are Amantadine & Rimantidine.
3. Jaundice / Hepatitis
:- It originates from Japan.
:- It is the disease of liver.
:- It is caused by the viral infection.
:- Types of Jaundice:
1. Hepatitis A
2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis C
4. Hepatitis D &
5. Hepatitis E
[ Note:- Hepatitis A,C, D & E are caused by RNA virus whereas Hepatitis B is caused by DNA virus].
:- It spreads mostly by food and water contaminated with hepatitis virus.
i. Hepatitis A
:- It is an acute infectious disease of liver.
:- It affects mainly children and young adults.
:- Transmitted through faecal-oral route
( by ingestion) of contaminated water, food or milk.
:- High body temperature, headache, fatigue, general weakness, joint pains.
:- Loss of appetite, feeling of nausea and vomiting.
:- Dark yellow urine.
:- Light coloured stool after 3 to 10 days of infection.
:- Appearance of irritating rashes on body.
:- Use chlorinated, boiled and ozonoid water (
:- Proper cleaning of hands after handling articles of patients.
:- Hepatitis-A vaccine should be taken to prevent the disease.
:- Interferon (medicine) controls disease.
:- For an early cure patient should take adequate rest, high calorie diet such as juice of sugercane, radish with our ( jaggery).
:- Patient should consume protein and fat in limited amount.
ii. Hepatitis B
:- It is also known as serum hepatitis or transfusion hepatitis.
:- It is caused by DNA virus.
:- Transmitted by infected blood, from mothers to their babies, etc.
:- Liver diseases, Chronic active hepatitis, malignant cancer of liver cells.
:- Direct or indirect contact with blood should be avoided.
:- Hepatitis B vaccine should be given.
:- Stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
:- It is a fatal disease.
:- Causative agent - retrovirus i.e HIV(Human Immunodeficiency virus)
π Transmitted through transfusion of blood, use of infected needles for injection.
:- Through infected mother to baby.
:- Through making sexual contact with infected person.
:- Swollen lymph nodes, regular fever, sweating at night and weight loss.
:- There is no cure for AIDS.
:- For this disease - Prevention is better than cure.
:- People should be educated about AIDS & it's transmission.
:- Disposal syringes and needels should be used for injection.
:- Sexual contact with multiple/unknown partners should be avoided.
:- Sterilised needles may be provided to drug addicts.
:- The common razor at the barber's shop should not be used, etc.
5. Polio
:- It is also known as poliomyelitis.
:- Causative agent - Polio virus
:- Polio virus affects the CNS ( central
nervous system ) & lymphatic system.
:- It is a kind of paralysis and mostly affects the legs.
:- Children between the age of 6 months to 3 years are most prone to polio infection.
:- Transmitted through- faeco-oral route and direct contact, dirty hands, contaminated food or milk and flies.
:- Early symptoms - sore throat & headache.
:- Some other symptoms are - fever, vomiting, muscular pain, stiffness in the neck, tingling sensation in limbs and ultimately paralysis.
:- Patient should take complete rest and physiotherapy in the begining of polio virus attack.
:- Maintenance of hygiene by proper sanitary disposal of waste.
:- It can be controlled by Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV).
:- It stands for Pulse polio immunization programme.
:- It forms the largest single day Public Health project.
:- Pulse means a dose of a substance that is polio vaccine especially when applied over a short period of time.
:- It was conducted for the first time in December 1995 to eradicate polio from our country.
:- It uses oral polio vaccine.
:- The vaccine consists of milder form of polio viral particles.
:- The prefixed days, on which pulse polio immunization is to be carried out throughout the country, are called National immunization days or NIDS.
:- The pulse polio immunization campaign seems to be a successful program in India.
Aims of PPIP
:- To immunise those children who are not earlier immunised or partially immunised.
:- To replace the disease causing wild virus by harmless vaccine virus in the environment.
6. Rabies
:- It is also known as hydrophobia.
:- Causative agent - Rabies virus or Lyssa virus which is present in the saliva of the infected animals.
:- Transmitted through the bite of rabid dog and some other rabid mammals such as monkeys, cats or rabbits.
:- Severe headache, high fever, painful contraction of muscles of throat and chest, restless feeling, excessive salivation, fear of water.
:- Cleaning of wound with clear water immediately after the dog bite.
:- Anti-rabies vaccine should be given immediately.
π Rabies can be treated by giving course of 14 vaccine is given.Currently 5 anti-rabies vaccines are prescribed at an interval of 0-3-7-14-30 day of dog bite.
7. Tuberculosis
:- It is also known as T.B
:- It was first discovered by German scientist Robert Koch in 1882. He was awarded Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1905.
:- It is an Infectious disease.
:- Causative agent - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
:- It affects all parts of the body such as lungs, lymph glands, bones, intestine, etc
:- It spreads by inhaling infected dropletsπ§ released through coughing, sneezing, talking and spitting by the patient.
:- Incubation period of T.B. includes few weeks to a few years.
:- Patient feels sick and weak.
:- Loss of appetite & weight.
:- Typical fever pattern and night sweats.
Types of T.B.
1. Lung or pulmonary T.B. ( Destroy or affects lungs).
2. Lymph gland T.B. ( Affects lymph glands ).
:- Patients should avoid over-crowding.
:- Provision of good ventilation and better nutrition help to reduce the incidence of the disease.
:- BCG ( Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin) vaccine
is given.
:- The T.B. can be cured by the following six essential drugs.
1. Rifampicin (RMP)
2. INH
:- It can be controlled by the use of antitubercular therapy (ATT).
π Diseases, their causative agents and
Symptoms at a glanceπ
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Completed sir jee.
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