Our Environment, Std-10 * Environment :-> This word has been derived from the French word I.e " enviror "meaning to encircle or sur... Cbse Guru October 29, 2019
Evolution, Std-10 Before studying about evolution we will discuss about traits and their types. * Traits :- Characteristics of the organisms are known ... Cbse Guru October 20, 2019
Biodiversity, Part- 2, Std-9 *Kingdom Plantae :- O verview of features of kingdom Plantae. -> They are made of eukaryotic cells. -> They store carbohydra... Cbse Guru October 19, 2019
GENETICS, Std-10 Genetics :- The term genetics was coined by Bateson in 1906. -> The basic principles were discovered by Gregor Johannes Mend... Cbse Guru October 14, 2019
Diversity in Living Organisms, Std-9 *Biodiversity :- The term biodiversity or diversity has been derived from a Latin word I.e " diversitas" meaning - Var... Cbse Guru October 12, 2019